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  • Dear Parent/ Guardian,

This is an endeavour to reach out to you. It would help us better understand what is expected of you as a parent and what we are committed towards. It's been observed that most of the students start to completely rely on us for everything. They want to study only when they come for the class and rest of the time is spent playing, watching TV, doing other things but studying .We do not encourage spoon-feeding and it's, therefore, your responsibility to make sure that your child studies at home. Our goal is to make the student self-reliant and get him/her out of the tuition-mode.

You're expected to check with your child what is taught in the school everyday. It's important as students usually start taking school classes for granted as they believe that the same would be taught in the coaching class, which we don't want. We expect you to discuss with your child about his/her routine, every night.

We believe that success in life is beyond books and exams and therefore, work on the overall development of the student that includes General Awareness, Communication, Lateral Thinking etc. We can not do this alone. We need your support. So when the student is asked to do a particular thing, for example, to watch News, read a newspaper, find out some information about something, write a diary etc, you're expected to encourage him/her to do it. It's important you keep a tab on the student's curricula as well as extra curricula.

Though We need to be strict with children at times, We don't want them to be under undue stress. We strongly believe that shouting or scolding is never a solution. Instead, things can always be discussed with them. This would make them more open to finding solutions to any problem by discussing about it rather than avoiding or hiding it.